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Role of the Governing Board

The school Governing Board is responsible for the conduct of the school and promoting high standards of achievement for its pupils. Members of the Governing Board are volunteers and are made up of representatives of parents, staff, the local authority and members of the community.


The Governing Board is the accountable body for the school and is responsible for ensuring the school undertakes its statutory duties. The key duties of the Board include:


  • Appointing and managing the performance of the Head Teacher

  • Agreeing the school improvement plan, staffing structure and annual budget

  • Monitoring and evaluating the work of the school


The Governing Board meets formally each term and Governors also visit the school to see different areas of school life. Each member of the Governing Board has an area of responsibility and is a named Link Governor for this area. Link Governors visit the school each term and report to the Board the schools work in this area.

Membership of the Governing Board
Previous Governors
Governor Attendance


Y - Attended

N- Apologies sent

Blank - Attendance not required

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